It’s the time of year for picnics, hikes, and outdoor activities for all members of your family including the four-legged variety. Here at Clark Exterminating, many of our team members have animals at home, so we figured now would be a great time to talk about some ways we keep our pets safe in the Arkansas summer.
Whether you live in Little Rock, Conway, or Jacksonville it’s the same story – pests like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas can cause all sorts of problems for your pets. However, following these tips can help your furry friends get through the summer without pest problems.
For starters, there are preventative medications out there that repel and kill fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and biting flies to protect your pets and dramatically reduce your risk of home infestation. If you do end up with a flea problem in your home, call a professional! It can take a combination of efforts to get rid of these pests for good. Here are some tips for each type of pest your pet might stumble upon outdoors:
The problem with flea infestations is that they can be transmitted through contact with other animals in addition to just spending time outdoors. Once fleas latch on, they can cause all sorts of problems like hair loss, inflammation, skin infection, and even anemia and dermatitis. Basically, fleas lead to issues that nothing you or your pets want to go through this summer.
With fleas, an ounce of prevention can go a long way toward keeping your pet healthy. For starters, don’t skimp on the baths – they can help take care of fleas before they cause any real damage. Secondly, make sure to wash and vacuum everything your pet comes in contact with regularly.
Like fleas, ticks can pass on serious diseases when they come into contact with your pets. Anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, and even Lyme disease can result from tick bites, so it’s important to do everything you can to prevent tick bites before they become a problem for you or your pets.
If you go outside for long walks, especially in forested areas, be sure to inspect your pets when they come back inside. If you spot a tick, pull it out with tweezers very slowly so the mouthparts aren’t left in the skin. After removal, the toilet is the best way to dispose of ticks to ensure they don’t come back. Also, keep your grass cut and weeds in check – tall grass can be an excellent hiding place for ticks. If you think you have a serious problem, you may want to consider tick collars, medications, or even help from a professional pest control company.
You knew this one was coming – mosquitoes are an unfortunate reality of every summer, and if you go outside anytime in the next 3 months you’re likely to run into a few of them. Just like humans, pets can contract dangerous diseases like the West Nile virus from mosquitoes. More commonly, mosquitoes can pass on heartworm to your pets which can lead to weight loss, seizures, and even blindness.
So how can you prevent mosquito bites this summer? Well, start by removing all sources of standing water in your home and yard. Since mosquitoes are drawn to standing water for their nest and breeding ground, keeping these areas to a minimum can help protect your home. This also goes for clogged gutters and swimming pools. If you do want to go outdoors for a long period of time, consider using bug repellant or wearing baggy clothing. However, the only real way to avoid being bitten is to minimize outdoor activity from dusk until dawn, the time when mosquitoes are most active.
Interested in learning more summer pest tips? Head on over to our main blog page for ideas and tricks for protecting your home this summer. Have a real pest problem, from cockroaches in Little Rock to ants in Conway to bed bugs in Cabot? Then give our team at Clark Exterminating a call at 501-712-3721 (Benton) or 501-588-2514 (Little Rock) and let us take care of your bug problem today!