In an effort to minimize person-to-person contact and protect our customers from COVID-19, Clark Exterminating is offering quarterly and monthly pest control customers outdoor NO-CONTACT perimeter services only.
Termite customers on slab foundations will still need an inside inspection. Inside pest control services will be provided upon request. Personal protective equipment will be used during all services. We encourage you to maintain a barrier against pests invading your home. Should you have a pest emergency or would like to reschedule, please call 501.758.0322 today.
All of our employees have been instructed to follow the CDC’s best practices, including frequent hand-washing, social distancing, and remaining aware of symptoms. While this has not been an issue for us as of yet, we are prepared to enforce 14-day quarantines for any employees showing symptoms or diagnosed with COVID-19. Please review the most up-to-date information provided by the CDC to protect yourself here.
Our hearts are with everyone impacted by Coronavirus and our healthcare workers. Please check back for regular updates from us as we navigate this evolving situation.