It’s summertime, and you probably plan on traveling at least once while it’s sunny and warm! Whether you’re going on a road trip, flying to a tropical paradise, or taking a luxurious cruise — you’re sure to bring home a souvenir or two. But…some souvenirs can be more of a menace than a treasure. Yep. We’re talking about bedbugs. Here are some tips to keep these pesky visitors from raining over your parade and your vacation.
When You Arrive
Remember — you’re not the only person who’s visiting the Grand Canyon or the Carolina shore. So, you’ll want to be extra diligent when you first get to your destination. Most travelers will bring their luggage directly inside, setting everything down in the same place hundreds of others did before them. Instead, it’s a good idea to wait until you get your room key and a chance to check luggage carts and rolling racks for signs of an infestation before ever unloading the SUV.
As soon as you first walk into your room or cabin, inspect the entire room closely before unloading all of your belongings. A common misconception is that bedbugs are only found in and around the bed. That’s far from accurate. You need to inspect high and low, far and wide in every area of the room.
A good starting place to check is around the headboard of the bed. Pull off all the sheets and blankets so you can inspect the mattress. Be sure to look underneath the mattress, as well as under the bed itself. You’ll also want to look around and under picture frames, pull out and inspect dresser drawers and look closely at the area where the carpet meets the wall. Bedbug excrement, eggs, and blood spots are all signs of infestation. Blood spots often appear as tiny dark spots found on bedding, carpet and even along the edges of walls.

If everything passes the test, you can bring your luggage inside, but keep all of your belongings off of the ground and on hard surfaces. One of the best places to store things is on a desk or even in the bathtub while you’re not using it. We even suggest going a step further by wrapping your luggage in plastic bags to keep pests out.
Keep in mind that the less you touch, the lower your chances of bringing home bedbugs. If you notice signs of bedbugs while inspecting the room, speak up! Inform the manager and ask to move at least two floors away, because bedbugs can easily travel via wallboards and electrical sockets. In the end, it may be best to change plans and find another place to stay during your trip.
When You Get Home
Any time you’re returning home from a trip it’s always best to inspect, vacuum and hand steam your luggage before bringing it inside your house. As you unpack, wash and dry all clothing on high heat — even things you didn’t wear — just to be on the safe side.
If you do wind up bringing home these unwanted souvenirs, don’t panic. Give us a call for a free inspection and estimate to get rid of the problem.
Remember at Clark Exterminating “The Bug Stops Here!”
Little Rock: 501-228-0322
North Little Rock: 501-758-0322
Conway: 501-329-0396
Benton: 501-776-1388
Bryant: 501-847-1388
Jacksonville/Cabot: 501-843-1322
Hot Springs: 501-623-2335