What’s in a Name?

In a Name

Ever wondered where the bumblebee got its name? Or how about the science behind a red-and-black-spotted beetle being called ladybug? There are so many bugs out there with some pretty creative names. So how are they named? Well, your friends at Clark Exterminating have done some research and have the answers for you. These random facts about common bugs may help on the next trivia night you attend with friends.


Luna Moths
Mainly inhabiting the eastern part of the U.S., luna moths are one of the largest moths in America. They typically can be found in trees and only fly at night, under the moonlight. This brings us to the meaning behind the name: luna means moon. Makes sense why this species of moth would be called the luna moth.

Fun fact about luna moths: adults don’t have a mouth, so they only live about one week.

June Bugs
Thriving early in the summer, June bugs can be found all over North America. They hide in trees during the day and primarily come out during nighttime. They’re attracted to lights, so keep your eyes peeled for them near lamps, street lights, and porch lights. They get their name based on when large quantities of June bugs hatch: the month of June. From late May to early July, the eggs hatch, but it’s mostly in the month of June.

Fun fact about June bugs: their larvae can live underground for two to four years before forming into full-blown adults.

Mud Daubers
Mud daubers are seemingly scary stinging wasps that can be found all over the country. The origin of their name is based on where you’ll find them in the summer months. Yes, you guessed it, in muddy areas, working to create their nests out of the thick and gloopy material. Mud daubers are solitary wasps that do not fly in swarms or nest in colonies. They’re not quite as aggressive as yellow jackets, but, they can sting multiple times without dying. The total lifespan of a mud dauber from egg to adult is about one year.

Fun Fact: If you see a large number of mud dauber nests next to each other, it’s most likely all from one female.


Green, hoppy, and practically harmless: the grasshopper is a welcomed bug in most areas. They can be found on the ground, in forests, or in fields, and on crops. Grasshoppers can jump 20 times the length of their body – that’s like a six-foot-tall adult jumping 120 feet! Makes sense now why these insects get their name – found in the grass and can hop extraordinary distances. These hoppy green insects are also known for the sounds they make – which are created by rubbing their wings and legs together.

Fun Fact: Despite not having ears, they can still hear through an organ in their abdomen called the tympanal organ.

While most of these insects listed above are typically harmless, some can still cause problems in and around your home. If you come into contact with an increasing number in stinging insects or over-the-top loud bugs, give your friends at Clark Exterminating a call. Don’t forget: we offer FREE in-home estimates, so call us today to set up an appointment, the bug stops here!

Little Rock: 501-228-0322
North Little Rock: 501-758-0322
Conway: 501-329-0396
Benton: 501-776-1388
Bryant: 501-847-1388
Jacksonville/Cabot: 501-843-1322
Hot Springs: 501-623-2335

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